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Tapping for weight loss book - tapping for weight loss publication

01-02-2017 à 11:51:37
Tapping for weight loss book
Like many healing arts that draw upon ancient wisdom, Tapping has been met with a fair share of skepticism. Should we be eating all carbs, or none at all. You see, our emotions control our beliefs about ourselves, our weight, and our worth. Put simply, energy circulates through your body along a specific network of channels. Today, however, the fight-or-flight response is rarely activated by a physical threat. And you can apply it to yourself, whenever you want, wherever you are. You see, when I first learned about EFT, a type of Meridian Tapping, I was so blown away with how effective it was that I absolutely knew I had to find a way to teach others the technique. Is it exercising more, or doing a certain kind of exercise. Emotions such as anger, fear, resentment, and guilt hijack our best intentions and even impact us on a deep biological level. His team performed a randomized controlled trial to study how an hour-long tapping session would impact the stress levels of 83 subjects. Studies done at no less than Harvard Medical School verify these assertions. In the struggle to find the secret to my own weight loss, these were the types of questions that I was asking myself every day. The weight loss industry has been pretty tough on women as a whole. The midbrain is located between the frontal lobes (the cortex) and the hindbrain (also called the reptilian brain-the earliest, most primitive part of the brain). It has repeatedly shown us images of women who were overweight and were seemingly able to lose weight easily and become thin and beautiful. With Tapping, you can take control of that power. This response evolved to mobilize the body to face an external threat-think of a tiger coming after your ancient ancestor. Research shows that 8 out of 10 women are dissatisfied with their reflection in the mirror, and more than half see a distorted image. What tapping does, with amazing efficiency, is halt the fight-or-flight response and reprogram the brain and body to act-and react-differently. Like so many women who feel ashamed of their bodies and their weight, I was a closet emotional eater. Most of our fight-or-flight responses today are triggered internally. For many of us, the internally generated stress response is triggered by a negative memory or thought that has its roots in past trauma or conditioned learning from childhood. The adrenaline flows, the heart races, and so on.

EFT, otherwise known as Emotional Freedom Techniques, is a type of Meridian Tapping that combines ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology with startling results. From pain relief, to healing childhood traumas, to clearing limiting financial beliefs, to weight loss, body image and food cravings, to fears and phobias, Tapping is proving to be a powerful, well-researched and easy to learn and apply technique. The stress response in the body takes the same form, whether the trigger is the tiger (external) or a negative memory (internal). It was at that point that I finally discovered the real. For many years, I was sure that losing weight would be the answer to all my problems. Your adrenaline pumps, your muscles tense, and your blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar all rise to give you extra energy to meet the challenge. Why is it that so many women struggle with weight loss. In fact, according to the Social Issues Research Center, the current media ideal for women is achievable by less than 5% of the female population. For additional details on How to do EFT Tapping, click here. The Tapping Solution (EFT): How To Get Started. It decreases nutrient absorption, increases salt retention making you bloated, and affects your cholesterol. They also discovered that by stimulating these meridian points, they could heal. My relationship with food was a constant struggle. Most importantly, it gives you the power to heal yourself, putting control over your destiny back into your own hands. It prepares your body to enter a full-blown, fight-or- flight response. You can tap into this energy at any point along the system. Another exciting set of research was undertaken by Dr. In some ways, Tapping is similar to acupuncture. During my many years of yo-yo dieting and unsuccessful attempts to keep the weight off, I, too, felt broken. The stress response begins in your brain in the almond-shaped amygdala, one of the components of the limbic system, or midbrain. Losing weight has become a cultural obsession, made apparent by the fact that weight loss has grown into a billion-dollar industry. It can be used with specific emotional intent towards your own unique life challenges and experiences. For years I went from one program to another, starving myself and working out at the gym, only to eventually succumb to food and destroy any progress I had made. Stressors in ancient days were very real threats to survival. Your emotions are the driving force behind every action you take. It has conditioned us to think that weight loss is only about eating the right foods and exercising more.

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Tapping for weight loss book

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